Pigiama RUN 7FAM 2023

Since the beginning, we decided to join this project because we are fully convinced that, for all of us and for 7FAM, “family” is a fundamental value to be protected and supported. With this emotional initiative, we would like to give our support to every child who is fighting against pediatric cancer by adhering to the national event of LILT – Pigiama Run. Why running/walking wearing our pajamas? It is important to show our affection and closeness to sick children, who must wear it every day in the hospital. We decided to open this fundraising to spread as much as possible this initiative to allow everybody to contribute and make the difference. Remember: #WEAREMANKIND

Pigiama RUN 7FAM 2023

Una campagna per l'evento "Pigiama Run" (15/09/2023)
Raccolta fondi di 7FAM

Since the beginning, we decided to join this project because we are fully convinced that, for all of us and for 7FAM, “family” is a fundamental value to be protected and supported.

With this emotional initiative, we would like to give our support to every child who is fighting against pediatric cancer by adhering to the national event of LILT – Pigiama Run.

Why running/walking wearing our pajamas? It is important to show our affection and closeness to sick children, who must wear it every day in the hospital.

We decided to open this fundraising to spread as much as possible this initiative to allow everybody to contribute and make the difference.


914 €

1.000 €
30 Donazioni
La campagna sostiene il progetto: Pigiama Day
Obiettivo totale del progetto: 30.000 €

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